Wednesday, October 23, 2013

A little slice of home...

Last Saturday, the hubby and I decided to stop by the mall.  I needed to get my wedding ring cleaned, and pick up a couple things.  Can I just say that I really dislike shopping malls?!?!?  I can't even bear the thought of the upcoming Holiday madness!  Anywho, when we left the mall, we were both starving!  The mall that we went to is surrounded, and I mean surrounded, by places to eat.  Nothing sounded very good though.  One thing that I hate wasting money on, is mediocre food.  Despite our hunger, we drove and drove until we stumbled upon...

If my memory serves me correctly, I think we both squealed when we saw it!  When we lived in Florida, this was pretty much the only place we could really eat out at, as vegans.  And we used to do some serious work there!  :)
Kyle enjoyed a Dry Dock Apricot Ale.
Then we devoured some hummus with garlic toast points.  Yep, this was as good as I remember.  Of course we saved the leftover hummus for our pizza crust!

And last but certainly not least, the mega veggie pizza!  They loaded this thing with green peppers, tomatoes, banana peppers, artichokes, broccoli, mushrooms, onions, olives, tofu, and Daiya.  Oh. Em. Gee.  We were both stuffed after one piece!  Not to worry, the leftovers didn't last past dinnertime! 
My next post is going to be another pizza post.  It was pizza that we tried a few weeks ago, but I forgot to post about!  We really don't eat as much pizza as it looks like, I promise!  :)


  1. Left over hummus? What does that mean? ;-)

  2. By leftover hummus, I mean...after over zealously loading our garlic toast points until they could hold no more, dipping our pizza crust in the two drops that were left ;)
