Monday, November 25, 2013

Isa Does It, Part 3...

Here I am again, with more delicious foods made from Isa's awesome book.  Like I mentioned in my previous post, these are all recipes that I have made in the last couple of weeks.  Today, I am focusing on all things sweet.

I am starting it off with carrot cake pancakes.  I did not take any pictures that shows you how amazing these were!  One thing that I do not really enjoy doing, is grating foods.  Thankfully Kyle helped me out with grating the carrots.  Other than that, again, these were simple to make.  I learned from the previous pancake recipe, to let the batter sit for 10 minutes.  This results in a much fluffier pancake.  Kyle suggested that next time, I take it one step further, and make a glaze to drizzle on them.  He may be right!  :)

Next on the list, marbled banana bread.  I was really excited to try this one, because it looks so fancy to me.  I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly this bread came together.  While it was in the oven, I kept getting wafts of banana and cocoa.  I couldn't wait for it to cool completely.  I dove right in, cut a sliver off, spread a little Earth Balance on it, and realized immediately why I made this!  Who wouldn't love this swirly loaf?!?
To me, snickerdoodles are one of the most essential cookies of all time!  In the past, I have been pretty disappointed in how different recipes have turned out.  They either come out super crunchy or they are just a pain in the butt to make.  These came together quickly and easily...and were just how they should be!  They were a bit crunchy, chewy, and had the perfect amount of sweetness.

 Last but not least, pineapple upside down cake.  I have never made this dessert before, but have tasted many other's in my day.  Under 20  minutes in the kitchen, and the cake was already prepped for the oven.  The flavors were spot on, and was even more delicious served with some vanilla ice cream. 

The only thing that tasted different to me, were the pineapple slices.  I recall the slices being very soft, and easy to pull apart.  This may be, in part, because of the syrups and other ingredients that normal pineapples are canned with.  I used organic pineapple in juice, which resulted in a much crunchier experience.  As soon as I took the first bite, I knew Kyle was not going to dig it.  He was already worried about "tropical fruits in his dessert", and he is also one of those "texture" people.  I was right about him disliking the pineapple part, but he did really love the spongey cake.

Next time, I'll be showing you some of the recipes that incorporate many of my favorite things.

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