Wednesday, September 4, 2013

What to do with an abundance of zucchini...

Several of my coworkers are gardeners, and let me tell you, that it really works out well for me.  These last few weeks, I have been given enormous amounts of zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, and jalapenos.  I adore zucchini, but after awhile, I had to get creative with how to prepare it.  Otherwise, I risked getting sick of eating it (or Kyle getting sick of it!).  I couldn't let that happen!

This may sound absurd, but I had never made or eaten zucchini bread before this week.  Thanks to the interweb, I simply googled "vegan zucchini bread" and I stumbled upon this wonderful recipe from Post Punk Kitchen.

Voila!  Vegan Zucchini Banana Bread! 

I added in some cranberries.  Also, Kyle hates big chunks of nuts in his bread, so I ground the walnuts in my blender, before adding to the mix.  At first I thought he was crazy, but realized that it wasn't so bad without the chunks.
I sliced a super ripe peach to eat on the side.  I have really been on a peach and nectarine kick lately!

Since I made this first loaf, I was dying to make it again.  So last night, I made some muffins for the hubby and I, and a couple loaves for my coworkers.  They all seemed to really enjoy it!  Even the omnivores, that give me such a hard time about my veganism :)


  1. That zucchini bread looks great! The best purpose for zucchini.

    1. You've got to try this recipe! I've never made bread that came out so moist! Thanks for reading :)
